Dr. Dawn Kulongowski on Being Honest and Being Human (DHD106)
This might be the most important Dental Hacks podcast we’ve ever released! Dr. Dawn Kulongowski talks with Alan about how to manage your emotions and how to let yourself be yourself! As she says, “managing your emotions doesn’t make you weak, quite the contrary it makes you strong and effective.” It sounds hokey, but it’s really good stuff. The verbal skills for removable pros make this episode worth it on their own!
Some links from the show:
Peaceful Practice (her coaching business)
Stress Management and Mindfulness for Dental Professionals (her amazing Facebook group!)
Our friends at Microcopy Dental have released a bunch of new diamonds specifically for pediatric dentistry! They’ve got six amazing diamond shapes and grits and they all come with short shanks for pediatric dentistry! Go check out these amazing new diamonds at dentalhacks.com/pediatricdiamondsamples!
The Dental Economics “Principles of Practice Management” conference is like no other meeting you’ve ever been to! It’s a limited attendance meeting of like minded people that want to learn how to run their businesses better! You get no fluff. No “sign up for my course” kind of thing. Good information delivered in a more intimate meeting environment with lots of access to the speakers! The conference is in beautiful Norfolk, VA this July 18th-19th! Get more details and sign up at principlesofpracticemgmt.com. The Dental Hacks Nation gets a $100 discount on the already low DE price just by using the coupon code “DENTALHACKS.” This is a limited time offer, so act now! Even better, they offer even more discounts for bringing your friends! See details on the website!