The Clinical Hacks do MILFs (and DILFs) (CHP 38)
Sit back and relax while we pound out some Class 4’s together. Kevin hates the really small DILFs, but he’s not no problem with the big ones. Mac and Zach kick it old school with some microhybrid love and try to convince Kevin that his “one composite fits all” just isn’t going to cut it for these pesky chips. We talk matrices, bevels (we like big bevels and we cannot lie), total etch, sandblasting, isolation, composite types, polishing and so much more. Frankly, in the time it takes to listen to the show you probably could’ve done 2-3 DILFs and already be back in your private office enjoying a Marlboro Red.
If you have opinions about MILFs please visit our Facebook Page and let us know where we got it right (and by right, we mean wrong).