
Kevin HenryThis week’s interview features Kevin Henry. Kevin is the Group Content and Editorial Director at Advanstar Communications. What that means is he’s involved (and has been involved) with the production of online content as well as dental magazine publishing. Have you heard of “Dental Products Report?” Yeah…that’s him! In today’s episode Kevin shares what he’s learned about dental teams. And it’s a lot! We talk about dental office managers and what they can do for your practice as well as finding the best training for dental teams!

In today’s Brain Trust segment we’re asked the question: “if you could only do one procedure for the rest or your career, what would it be?” The answers from our Brain Trust are enlightening and hilarious! We get down to the nuts and bolts of extractions and direct composite restorations. This is “can’t miss” content for anyone who takes teeth out or places composites! We introduce a new member, Dr. Matt Garrison, in today’s episode as well. Matt joins veterans Dr. Dawn Kulongowski, Dr. Tammy Bailey and Dr. Tiffany Lee for an entertaining and informative segment.


Some links from the show:

American Association of Dental Office Managers

Dental Assisting National Board

International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany

Mead’s dream rubber dam clamp

What the hell is a 301?


Karl Schumacher Proximators

Triodent Supercurve matrix (V3 and V4, too)